Gingivectomy offers the chance to alter your gum tissue as a cosmetic treatment or to address gum disease. At Aesthetic Smiles Dentistry in Shenandoah, Texas, Sojin Kim, DMD, and the team have extensive experience in these procedures, offering safe and beautiful results.
Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure that alters some aspect of your gum tissue. These procedures are sometimes used to treat gum disease but can also be a great way to improve the appearance of your gum line.
Some of the issues that bring people in for gingivectomy procedures include:
If you have a “gummy” smile, a procedure called a gum lift or gum modification helps visually lengthen your teeth by reshaping your gum line.
Surgical gum alterations can be done using handheld tools like a scalpel or laser devices that use concentrated beams of light to alter soft tissue. During your initial consultation, your dentist explains which approach is the right fit for your needs.
The dentists at Aesthetic Smiles Dentistry offer the latest tools and techniques in gingivectomy procedures. While the specific tissue alteration may differ from one procedure to another, the same basic approach applies.
The process begins with an injection of local anesthetic. This ensures you won’t feel a thing from start to finish.
Your dentist uses a laser, or scalpel to remove targeted gum tissue. This process is referred to as a soft tissue incision. If needed, your dentist refines the contouring of your gum line. Some procedures require suturing to close or reposition the tissue.
Taking good care of your gums is an important step in healthy healing. The best thing you can do to support healthy healing is to follow your dentist’s post-procedure instructions. If your dentist prescribes antibiotics, be sure to take the entire prescription as advised.
Avoid harsh activities in the first few days after your procedure, including vigorously brushing or chewing ice. You may need to use a special mouth rinse instead of brushing for a day or two. You’ll also need to choose soft foods for a short period of time to avoid anything harming your gums.
Some procedures require a follow-up visit to remove stitches or to assess the healing process. Fortunately, your gum tissue heals more swiftly than most other tissues in your body. Your gums will be back to normal in no time.